Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New York State of Mind

Managed to get out of Atlanta in one piece - we arrived in NYC at 8pm. Headed over to the 1 bedroom apartment we found on for $132 a nite. Normally, I would never divulge that information, but in this case, its pertinent to what will follow.
You know the old saying: " If its sounds its too good to be true...then it probably isn`t!"? Well...its very apropos for the place we arrived at. Why? a) The TV didn`t work( unless you think Spanish Public Access channel is quality viewing. b)
the dvd player was broken. c) The shower door fell on top of Marie( thankfully, she was startled more than anything else and finally d) shower was flowing with lukewarm water. All in all, Murphy`s law was in full force while we were in that shabby apartment. In the end, we got upgraded for the final day of our stay...wooo wooo!
Will not use Woogo Apartments for future travel plans in the Big Apple...
Woke up late again and headed down to the village to meet up with friends from Tokyo who moved to NYC about 18 mths ago. They live in a sizeable (1800 sq ft) refurbished walk-up and shuck out 6000 dineros plus a month...ouch. The Allens were nice enough to treat us to some make-your-own sandwiches and salads at their place.
We then jumped over to a local park in Battery Park City...while we were there former
first lady Laura Bush happen to wander nearby checking out the beautiful park. She had a ton of secret service people following her(tax dollars hard at work).
After that celebrity spotting(also passed by Puff Diddy or P Daddy?) we decided to go to their fave local Japanese place(decent).
I finally made my pilgrimage to my Mecca on 2nd Ave between 77th and 78th, Sables to get my requisite whitefish, sable and bialy. Nirvana wasn`t very far away as I knoshed on this when we finally got home at 8:30pm
Today has to be one of the most hectic days of our trip so far. We raced to New Jersey to meet up with Mrs. Barker(Marie`s English Tutor from high school) in Fairlawn-no easy feat transferring at Penn Station to get on NJ transit. We had a nice little lunch reunion and Zach was on his best behaviour for the first 5 minute of the lunch. After lunch, we zoomed out to meet up with Michelle(Marie`s BF from college) at Central Park. It was the first time for us to meet Alexander and Tyler
aged 5 and 3 respectively - Zach had a blast bonding with kids his own age.
Afterwards, we met up with David(Shelly`s hubby) at a local Italian joint in Grand Central.
You would think that we be enough to call it a day, but you would be mistaken! We then literally jogged over to Millenium Hotel next to the UN to meet up with Dana and her new hubby Chris for some late nite chat and drinks.
We finally zonked out at 10pm
Headed out to Sara Beths for some breakfast grub and then I had to run some errands while Marie took Zach over to a great playground inside Central Park.
We finally flew out to London around 8pm on Virgin Atlantic, which was breath of fresh air in this climate of crappy airlines/service/overall lame experiences.
We upgraded to premium economy(sounds like an oxymoron...don`t it?) and managed to have a relatively relaxing and uneventful flight. More on London in my next blog.....



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