Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ichiro is Zach's Hero!

8/9 Sunday
After having way toomuch trouble getting Mariners tickets, the hotel was kind enough to treat the Turry family to three 3rd base line section seats. The weather was the most ideal you could imagine for viewing any sporting event- sunny 75 degrees and little or no wind. Game time was 1pm, so we had to hustle out - managed to catch Ichiro's first at bat, which happened to be a double down the 1st base line- Zach was freaking out {not sure if he has any idea yet about what is happening}. Nevertheless, we had a ball at the game(sorry} and munched on a decent Turkey sandwich. It staggers me that the only coke available is in this huge 22 ounce cup!!! Mariners spanked the Tampa Bay Rays 11-2, so all was good in Seattle....

Checked out and shuffled over to Avis to get our rental car. Was able to get upgraded to a Chrysler Nitro{Or downgraded if you were looking for fuel economy!}.
Hopped into our Nitro and drove 547-6077) for the next 8 days, which happens to be located right next to a huge park and the Seattle Zoo, so Zach should be a happy camper.  

-Took us all of 15 minutes to get to this place-nobody was home and had a tad bit of trouble trying to let ourselves in. Alas, when we finally got into the place it was actually really nice and spacious-we would recommend it to anybody who have children. 900 square feet 2 bedroom/2 bath and only remodeled 2 months ago, so all the furnishings were great. Headed out to grab a bite at Ponti's Grill nearby-definitely not worth linking you up-average meal in every way.
Outlet shopping day- I needed some shoes since my 9 yr - old Nikes had given out on me before we left. Got Zach some PJ's and other stuff/Marie was able to find some good walking shoes too...Pizza at nite at a place called Tutta Bella - good Neapolitan Pizza and salad...
WOke up rather early at 8am to our first rainy day...after cloudy/sunny up until now.
WE decided to take Zach to the Pacific Science Center{} for a couple of hours-ended up staying for almost 5 hours because it was easily the best place we have ever taken Zach for interactive learning and fun!
Did you know?
-That cows are one of the gassiest animals on Earth?
-The dung beetle is nature's living pooper scooper
-Scientists are studying slug and snail slime production for clues in treating cystic fibrosis.
-In Columbia movie theatre patrons feast on fried Ant bellies with salt...mmm mmm

There was a butterfly house with 1000's of exotic butterflies...zach tried to touch all the butterflies, but they managed to escape with their lives.
Zach got scared when asked if he wanted to hold Madagascar Hissing Cockroach...

Would recommend this place to any family!!!
Had sushi in a cute little neighborhood near Lake Washington - was probably the worst sushi we have had in some time - avoid Nishino Sushi at all costs! It was awful.
Heading to the zoo tomorrow and will have more for you viewing pleasure...

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